Community Health Needs Assessments

Community Health

Identifing and addressing the area’s most pressing health care needs.

The mission of Hillsboro Health is to positively affect the health and well-being of the communities it serves.

As a community hospital, Hillsboro Health understands the importance of providing services to meet the needs of the people in the areas we serve. Federal laws governing not-for-profit hospitals also require many hospitals, including Hillsboro Health, to conduct local Community Health Needs Assessments every three years and to report the completion of those assessments as part of their corporate tax filings with the Internal Revenue Service. Assessing community health needs through a review of available health data and input from area health care partners, community leaders, and residents gives Hillsboro Health valuable insights and information to help address the area’s most pressing health care needs.

Read About Hillsboro Health's Plan to Address Community Health Needs 

We recently completed our 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and are excited to continue focusing on plans to meet the health and wellness needs of our community. Our top two priorities include:

  1. Access to care: increase access to comprehensive, high-quality health care services, including primary and specialty care services.
  2. Wellness: improve the physical and mental well-being of the members of the community. 
2024 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan 2016 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment 2013 Implementation Plan