We are a place of health and healing

Prohibited Items

Smoke-free, Gun-free Campus

Hillsboro Health is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the hospital, outpatient clinic, fitness center and parking lots. This helps us provide a clean and healthy healing environment. 

As a reminder, Hillsboro Health is a gun-free facility and in accordance with Illinois law. Conceal carry is also prohibited.



Preparing for Surgery at Hillsboro Healthcare

Preparing for Surgery

Important details to help you prepare for your surgery and recovery

Thank you for choosing to have your surgery performed at Hillsboro Health. Because patient safety, comfort and satisfaction come first, here are some important details to help you prepare for your surgery and recovery.

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Advanced Directives at Hillsboro Healthcare

Advanced Directives

Treatment Decisions

Illinois law allows patients to appoint someone they trust, such as a family member or close friend, to make treatment decisions should they lose the ability to decide for themselves. This is done by appointing a “healthcare agent” through a Healthcare Proxy Form (link to PDF form).

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Organ and tissue doner

Organ and Tissue Donation

Every 10 minutes someone is added to the national transplant list.

More than 120,000 people are currently on the national transplant list. One organ donor can save up to eight lives.

These statistics from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network are three important reasons to become an organ and tissue donor.

Register to be an organ donor.
Must be 18 years or older to register.

Colonoscopy instructions

Colonoscopy Instruction

Screening/ High Risk Colonoscopy Patients For Medicare Beneficiaries.

Because Medicare has limitations regarding how often they pay for your screening Colonoscopy, we will routinely be asking you to sign an ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice) prior to your Colonoscopy being completed.

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